Interesting Facts About Worms
Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

By The Numbers, Facts and Figures (Redworms)
1 POUND = APPROX. 1,000 ADULT WORMS. (453.59 grams)
1,000 worms/sq ft is the minimum space worms like to live in.
Worms eat up to their weight and have 8 excretions/day.
Worms breathe through their skin and require min. 40% moisture, (60-80% ideal)
Worms eat from the bottom up until microorganisms are gone, then move upwards to new food. (1 pound/pound of worms)
While temperatures of 30-100 degrees are "livable",(insulated or in shade) 55-77 degrees is ideal.
Worms are adaptable and can adjust their climate up to 20 degrees, (more if insulated) Worms can survive in temps of 30-98 degrees and be revived if immobile.
Worms are hermaphrodites, (male and female reproductive organs) both can produce cocoons with offspring.
Over 1 million worms may be present in one acre of soil, and these worms can produce 700 pounds of castings each day.
Worms multiply very quickly. 5 worms can become 8,600 worms in 26 weeks with ideal living space and temperatures. Worms become adult producing in 6 weeks and eggs mature in 3 weeks. They can more than double their population every 60 days. Each cocoon contains up to 4 worms and adults can produce up to 4 cocoons/week.
Worms life span is 2-4 years. If a tail is amputated it can regrow.
Worms have 5 hearts
Worm castings, (excrement) are surrounded by a peritrophic membrane that protects them from toxins inside their castings.
As redworms are top soil dwellers, outdoor worm containers must be covered. (indoors also to avoid pests)
There are approx 4400 species of earthworms in 3 Categories: Redworms, compost (epigeic), Garden worms, (endogeic), and Night crawlers (anecic).
1 sq. ft of soil, 1” height = 4.8 pounds or 1’ high = 57.6 pounds
1 acre of land with 500 pounds,(500,000) worms can yield up to 100 tons of soil/year.
1 hectare of land with 1mm of sludge added over 300 days will add 12”/year of additional soil carbon.
Worms regulate PH to neutral, and increase Nitrogen up to 5x, Phosphorus up to 11x and Potassium up to 7x the levels in surrounding soils.
Worms stabilize soil with humic substances, lessening conditions from flooding, soil erosion, and drought.
Worms accelerate microbial decomposition and bio-accumulate metals, and other toxins in soil (like PCB’s) through enzymes secreted and decomposition of complex molecules, into simpler compounds.
Worms increase bacteria ingested up to 1000x resulting in good/healthy bacteria, crowding out diseased bacteria in soil. (2.5m/gram)
1 acre of land fully stocked with worms can produce 22 tons of vermicastings/day with income of $3 million/year in soil sales alone. Sales of worms 3 months later can generate up to an additional $2.6 million and the capacity to increase land soil over 5 acres in the second year.
Microorganisms in sludge are destroyed by digestive enzymes in redworms. The DNA molecules, RNA, protein, carbohydrates, etc. are hydrolyzed into small units and undergo further metabolism and convert them into Carbon Dioxide and Methane.
Dr. Roy Hartenstein, PhD.